As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect Britain, syndicate operation Nick Bradley Racing has taken to Twitter to offer frontline NHS staff a free day at the races to thank them for all their hard work once the situation is over.
With Britain placed on lockdown earlier this month and racing suspended, the syndicate’s Managing Director Nick Bradley and Marketing Manager Charlotte Mountford began to brainstorm a way in which they could offer something for those putting their lives on the line.
Mountford said: “Last night [Sunday] we came up with the idea that once this is all over, it’d be really nice for these people to have something to look forward to themselves. Hopefully amongst all these people working so hard on the frontline, there will be come racing fans out there.
“We’re very privileged to have access to owners and trainers’ badges whenever we go racing. The idea was that we share it out on social media and provide free days out to the people that are working so hard for us while we’ve been asked to stay at home.
“I couldn’t imagine putting myself in their shoes at the moment, it’s quite amazing what they are doing.”
To spread the message far and wide, Mountford is utilising the social media platforms of Nick Bradley Racing and she added: “Social media is one of our biggest assets as a small business.
“Even in the last hour since we put it live, we’ve had Warren Greatrex retweet it and we’re starting to see the momentum with people sending us messages directly or tagging people in.
“It’s really heartening that people are wanting to share it and get on board with and spread the message as well. It’d be really nice actually if we see other people like yards and owner partnership groups might want to jump on the back of.
— Nick Bradley Racing (@NBradleyRacing) March 30, 2020
“I may have quite an admin job on my hands contacting all these people and finding a day at the races that’s local to wherever they might be located in the UK, but we don’t want to put a limit on it.
“We want to make sure that anybody who actually wants to take us on the offer, we’re giving them the opportunity to do so. We would really like to service as many people as we can and to give them a day out.
The syndicate, which was set up by Bradley in 2015, has had many successes with horses such as Raising Sand, Group 3 scorer Little Kim, and 2019 Lily Agnes Stakes heroine Great Dame.
Like for many others in the industry, it is a waiting game for those involved with Nick Bradley Racing as to when racing in Britain is able to resume but Mountford is making sure to keep their owners as updated as possible.
Mountford said: “We send out updates to our owners fortnightly and we’re trying to source as many videos and photos from the yards at the moment.
“I think as an owner it’s nice to receive a little video of photo of your horse when it’s coming from work in the morning. You forget that all this is carrying on as normal behind the scenes.
“We’re hearing the noises that they might start some regional racing at the beginning of May depending how things go. We’re working with our trainers to make sure as many of our horses would be ready to go for that.
“We’ve got a lot of Yorkshire- and northern-based trainers so that’s where we would predominantly be if regional racing started up.”