To help inform a strategy dedicated to the welfare of the whole of its workforce, British racing has launched the comprehensive survey Wellbeing Across the Horseracing Industry.
The survey, which runs until May 16, is open to everyone working in the thoroughbred racing and breeding industry. Individuals who complete it will receive a personalised wellbeing report to help improve how they feel, live and work.
Its responses will allow the industry to measure and understand the wellbeing of its entire workforce as well as informing the ongoing work to continually improve the health and wellbeing of those working in the sport.
As well as launching the survey, British racing also announced on Wednesday the creation of a Wellbeing Committee that is dedicated to improving further the overall health of the sport and its employees.
It will be chaired by Simon Jones, who has held numerous executive board level positions across the NH and wider health and care arena, and the Wellbeing Committee will lead an industry wide programme of work that brings together all the organisations that deliver support to the workforce.
The Wellbeing Committee will report into the People Board, which has representation from key stakeholders and is chaired by independent BHA director Laura Whyte.
Joining Jones on the Committee are:
Linda Bowles, HR Director and charity trustee
Kay Boyden, Director of Programmes, Racing Welfare
Lisa Hancock, Chief Executive, Injured Jockeys Fund
Dr Jerry Hill, BHA Chief Medical Adviser
Will McConn, Sports Psychologist and joint author of the 2019 review and recommendations on mental health support in British racing
Rishi Persad, Horseracing and sports broadcaster
Simone Sear, Director of Welfare, Racing Welfare
Wellbeing Committee Chair Simon Jones said: “I’m delighted to have been asked to chair British Racing’s Wellbeing Committee.
“In establishing this Committee, the BHA and the sport, working with the full range of stakeholders has given the highest priority possible to a programme of work that puts the wellbeing of our workforce at the top of our sports agenda.
“The industry’s Wellbeing Committee will oversee the delivery of excellence in wellbeing, development and pastoral support of our people, and contribute to the continued improvement in the health of our sport.”
The BHA’s Chief Executive Julie Harrington added: “Staff wellbeing, across the full breadth of British racing, is a priority for decision-makers in our sport and will be critical to our recovery from the pandemic, and our growth in the future.
“I wish to thank Simon and his fellow Welbeing Committee members for their commitment to this crucial area, which will be matched at the BHA as plans and policies are developed. This is a big opportunity for all employees, in every area of our sport, to have their voices heard, and I encourage everyone to complete the survey.”